Yunus Environment Hub Impact Report 2023 Published

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Just Transition and Circular Economy report

Yunus Environment Hub Impact Report 2023

Practical Guide to Achieve Zero Waste

Baseline report on Circularity innovations in Bengaluru

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Position on Just Transition in the Global Plastic Treaty

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Yunus Environment Hub Impact Report 2022

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Marine DeFRAG Guideline Review

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UNEP Study on Informal Waste Sector

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Polyproblem Report -
Kauf Dich Frei


Just transition and recognition of informal sector

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Yunus Environment Hub Impact Report 2021


Polyproblem Report -
Buy Your Way Out

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Extended Producer Responsibility Toolkit

ValuCred Handbook - Standard Process Model

Study on Entrepreneurship in the Amazon Region

ValuCred Report on the Plastic Credit Market

Academia Report on Social Business 2020


Job offer

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Events and News

Mountains and islands make up 30 percent of the earth’s surface area and are home to approximately 1.3 billion people. Mountain and island communities are among the worst hit by climate change, suffering from high rates of poverty and hunger and struggling to cope with natural disasters.    To increase mountain and island communities’ resilience Yunus …

Social Business Entrepreneurship in Mountain and Island Communities Read More »

With global waste set to nearly double by 2050—from 2.1 to 3.8 billion tonnes—the urgency for change is undeniable. Moving towards zero waste practices will help drive climate action. The definition of zero waste, according to the international zero waste alliance, is “the conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and …

Practical Guide to Achieve Zero Waste Read More »

The proposed international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution offers a critical opportunity to address a pressing environmental challenge through global cooperation. However, plastic pollution’s impacts go beyond the environment, affecting livelihoods, health, and well-being of communities worldwide, especially vulnerable and marginalized groups. The ILBI negotiations must adopt a human-centered approach, ensuring no one …

Yunus Environment Hub’s Position on Just Transition in the Global Plastic Treaty Read More »

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