Yunus Environment Hub is the Global Social Business Network Creating Solutions for the Environmental Crisis
Implemented solutions across 40 countries
Our History
We are a proud spin-off of The Grameen Creative Lab. Grameen Creative Lab (GCL) was set-up in 2009 by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus and his Creative Advisor Hans Reitz to serve society’s most pressing needs by promoting social business globally. GCL has taken an important role in the formation of the Social Business Movement by organizing the Global Social Business Summit and countless social business initiatives have emerged from it. GCL is the front-runner of the Social Business Movement and uses its expertise, network and resources to bring social business to new areas. Several spin-offs have been created that remain part of the GCL family. In 2018, the Yunus Sports Hub and in 2019, the Yunus Environment Hub were launched, both experts in social business to bring solutions to the sports world and in the environment crisis. Together we make the impossible possible.

We Are Accredited to the Following UN Bodies
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