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CirculaRise Academy

- CirculaRise Academy is a training and mentoring program to support women entrepreneurs to build more resilient, sustainable, and competitive businesses through the development of inclusive, circular strategies. The CirculaRise Academy provides training in business skills, circular economy and Just Transition principles.
Benefits of joining the CirculaRise Academy:
- Gain the necessary tools and skills to capitalize business models to drive change.
- Deep dive into circular business models and Just Transition strategies. Build practical frameworks to help implement inclusive strategies.
- Benefit from mentorship, interactive business training and extensive networking opportunities with experienced women entrepreneurs/mentors.
- Market access and blended finance support.
- Hands-on skills and learning journey for selected entrepreneurs.
CirculaRise Academy is based off our success with the “SHE STARS – See Her Empowered” program.

Contact us if you are interested in running a CirculaRise academy via