Yunus Environment Hub Impact Report 2023 Published

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Improved Service Delivery to Citizens in Cambodia (ISD)

Yunus Environment Hub supports the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in the Improved Service Delivery to Citizens in Cambodia (ISD) project, a joint collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, focusing on waste management. We were responsible for planning, designing and facilitating a series of workshops on municipal waste management for local decision-makers, experts and other stakeholders from districts and municipalities in the selected partner provinces on formulating waste management plans (WMPs) as well as providing international expertise on best practices from other countries.

Focus area: waste management

Region: Cambodia

Duration: 18 months

Project outcomes

  • Delivered a series of workshops to 6 different municipalities and districts in Cambodia
  • Workshops provided guidance on how to establish waste fees and fine models and ensure compliance in relation to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), organise smart and semi-automated waste collection, as well as the design and set up of central waste collection points in rural areas
  • Feedback on municipal waste management plans